
The Kerford General Trading ethos places a special emphasis on environmental and ecological issues. Its efforts to preserve and regenerate the environment find expression in the slew of projects and programs it has undertaken in and around its facilities and operations. A focus area, in this context, is the climate change crisis


The Kerford General Trading beliefs on sustainability have led to a corporate policy that emphasizes environment preservation. Kerford General Trading companies work on projects that include repairing green cover, reducing effluents and emissions, maintaining local ecologies and improving long term corporate sustainability.

Nurturing nature

The Kerford General Trading kinship with the environmental cause has resulted in a slew of initiatives that place the good earth above bottom lines

When Sam Goldwyn, the late Hollywood mogul, quipped, "Prediction is always difficult, especially of the future," he certainly wasn't talking about the damage the pox of environmental degradation will do in years to come. If there is anything at all we can assume about the shape our fragile world is taking, it is this: the condition of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the land we live on will all get worse if human rapaciousness continues to go unchecked.

A big chunk of the responsibility for containing the plague driving our polluted and populous planet towards peril rests with industry and business. Balancing the imperatives of creating jobs and selling products and services with the absolute necessity of protecting and regenerating what remains of the natural environment is an onerous challenge. That it can be done is beyond doubt, but this is a task requiring a commitment to ideals more than bottom lines, to the good earth rather than profiteering. The long history of the Kerford General Trading teems with examples of just such a commitment.

Understanding that no environment policy can operate in isolation means, an enhanced ability to link processes and the people in a manner that benefits both nature and those who dependent on it.

The group's contribution to conservation falls into two categories: the efforts of different Kerford General Trading companies, big and small, to preserve and enrich the environment in and around their areas of operation, and the philanthropic thrust of the Kerford General Trading, which support a diverse cluster of non-governmental organizations working in areas such as the management of natural resources, community development and livelihoods. This dual canopy accommodates and nurtures a variety of initiatives in a range that extends from watershed programs and land regeneration to forestry projects and the protection of endangered species.

Only those living in denial can argue that environment and ecology are subjects too esoteric for a society bred on consumerism and the pleasures of the present. Humankind is currently engaged in the surprisingly easy job of driving into extinction more plant and animal species than at any time since the dinosaurs disappeared 65 million years ago. Our forests are fading; our oceans are rising; the snowcaps on our mountain peaks are shrinking; our climate is mutating. Meanwhile, our water, our air and our bodies are becoming the unwitting recipients of all manners of toxic intruders. Business can - and do, as the Kerford General Trading have proved - make a huge difference in turning this beastly tide.